2009年7月30日 星期四


因誠學弟無法接機, 租屋一些細節也需要親自處理, 因此再次確認一些房屋的細節! 確認我租的是一個有閣樓的樣式, 樓下二間房間, 其中一間為套房有衛浴, 樓上有一個房間和衛浴, 她說我的小孩應該會很喜歡樓上的那個房間!

Hi Yi-xxx, I was going to originally give you apartment 318 but the current tenants will not be out by the 11th and I did not want your family to get here and have no where to stay. So, I had 416 so that was vacant and I gave that to you. It is a 2 level apartment. Everything is pretty much on the main level except, there is 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom upstairs. I am sure your teenager would like that bedroom as it would be out of the way of everyone. This apartment is on the top floor of the apartment complex. Your unit is 1228 square feet altogether. Yes, we will be available at 12:30 pm on August 11th. Our office is open from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and 9am-1pm on Saturdays. You will have water and electric in your apartment when you move in, however, you will want to switch those both over from CPM company's name to your name. I think you will only need your passport. If you have your SSN card, that will work, but many of our students have to prove they are from overseas and supply their passport. You can sign your lease the same day you move in. No problem there. Electric Company is Ameren Electric - Their phone number is 1-800-755-5000The Water Company is Illinois American Water Company - Their number is 1-800-422-2782




Dear Kristy,

My frierd told me that he need to come back to Taiwan for some reasons while I arrive in Urbana. So I need to know more detail information in order to prepare some further detail articles for my rent unit in Cottage Grove. I have some problems for my rent unit as follows:

1. My friend said that you told him my unit is #318 where is located on the third floor. Howerever, you mail me that my rent unit is #416. Which one is correct? and you said that two bedrooms on the downstairs and the other bedroom is on the upstairs. So, Is it a two-story in my unit? and is it located on the top floor of this building? And how many square feet does my unit have?

2. I will arrive in the office of Cottage grove to meet you around 12:30 pm on August 11. Is this time in the office for you?

3. I wolud like to have the electricity and water supply in my rent unit while I move in the unit? What kind of document do I need to prepare? Do I need a SSN in hand? I am wonder that I can not get the SSN in time while I arrive.

4. Do I need to sign my lease document before I arrive in Urbana and move in the apartment? I am eager to hear from you as soon as possible.

Thank you very much!



本來誠學弟要安排來接機, 但因臨時有要事需回台灣處理, 剛好錯過我們抵達的時間, 因此安排好的接機突然有變化! 系主任他說要親自到機場接我們, 還開了一部mini van過來, 真是感激!
另外由於剛到的前些天需要趕辦一些手續, 因此打算第一個星期租一部車, 做為交通工具~~~

Dear Professor xxx,

Thanks very much for your message. I think renting a mini van at the Champaign Airport will be a very good idea. I understand that, upon your arrival, you will need transportation, from the airport to your apartment, for a party of five and a fair amount of luggage. You may not be able to transport all using one mini van. We will try to make an arrangement for one graduate student to meet you at the Airport when you arrive. I will have a meeting at 11 a.m. -12 noon on August 11. If you can wait at the CMI for a while, I should be able to come to the Airport to assist you at around 12:15 p.m. This way, we will have one mini van and two passenger cars to take care of your transportation needs. My cell phone number is XXXXXX, just in case you need it.

I look forward to seeing you in Champaign-Urbana.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Visiting in UIUC

Dear professor XXX,
I am sorry that it is late to contact with you because I have a messy time
recently in order to arrange the temporary leave with my school work and to
prepare my visiting work.
It took me a long time to find an suitable apartment for my family during
staying in Illinos and YC gave me a lot of help concerning about the
matters of apartment renting. Finnally, I decide to rent a unit of an
apartment for 3-bedroom with two baths located on the S Cottage Grove Ave.
where is in the southeast of Urbana near the Sunnycrest Mall. Although this
apartment is a little far from campus but it seems to have a luxurious
living space and a good living functions. The main reason to choose living
in Urbana instead of Champaign is for my children studying in elementary
school. Although elementary school attendance districts in Urbana are based
on where you live. But, students who are Mandarin speakers and are limited
English proficient have the opportunity to attend King Elementary School no
matter where they live within Urbana. Therefore, I wrote an email to the
principal of The King school and she welcomed my children to attend the ESL
(English as a second language) classes which King school offered. Thus I
will register my children at King on the 13th of August.
As for my flight schedule, I will take the Eva airlines to Los Angels and
then take America airlines to airport Champaign/Urbana(CMI) through Chicago
and arrive in CMI at 11:20 a.m. on the 11th of August. Primarily, YC
will pick us up to my rented apartment but unluckly he needs to come back
Taiwan while I arrive.
Today, YC told me that if you has a leisure time you can pick us up. I
think it is to bother you because I know you are very busy in the
school/research work. Thus, If it is possible I plan to rent a mini-van for
one week in airport CMI as a vehicle so that it is convenent to do many
things about settling in a new place for my family. And I will visit you and
professor Tony in the afternoon of August 11 or the morning of August 12
which depends on your time. Thank you very much for your assistance
concerning about my visiting. You are always kind and enthusistic!

Best regards


2009年7月29日 星期三

歡迎使用SKYPE 線上聊天及視訊對話

帳號是: yi-chich

但請先表明您是那一個好友, 為了安全以及避免產生不必要的困擾, 我們不和來路不明的陌生人對話~~~

2009年7月27日 星期一



1. 外國人大人禮品約300~500元左右(一男一女) 二份
2. 外國小孩 中國風小飾品約30份, 每份約10~30元
3. 小孩常備葯—貝恩1大盒, 面速力達母1~2盒
4. 小孩常備葯—感冒葯三人每人15~20天份(咳嗽, 鼻塞, 流鼻水, 退燒葯)
5. 小孩常備葯—胃腸葯
6. 綸常備葯—鼻塞過敏葯(二個月~三個月)
7. 喇叭牌正露丸大瓶 一瓶
8. 塑膠及鐵碗(吃飯) —8份
9. 筷子---20雙
10. 湯匙(大中小)各三支
11. 削皮器一支
12. 開罐器一支
13. 水果刀一支(邱提供)
14. 菜刀一支
15. 鐵鍋三只
16. 大同電鍋12人份 一只(內裝鐵鍋, 碗….)
17. 煮水咖啡壺一只(邱提供)
18. 正版CD片20片
19. 泡麵(袋裝)12碗

1. 文具
2. 筆記型電腦二台
3. 隨身硬碟一台500GB
4. 隨身碟 16G 4只
5. SD卡 64G 4只
6. PANASONIC相機一台 (含二顆電池及充電器)
7. SANYO攝影機一台 (含二顆電池及充電器)
8. 輕便脚架一只
9. TOM TOM GO 一台(含充電器)
10. 翻譯機二台(快譯通及無敵)
11. 證件(汽車駕照, 國際駕照, 預防針注射證明, 保險單, 花旗信用證明…..)
12. 茶葉半斤裝--三份共3斤
13. 茶葉四兩裝—六份共3斤
14. 茶壺—2只(一大一小)
15. 隨身保溫瓶二只
16. WEBCAM+耳機麥克風一組

2009年7月26日 星期日


也需準備三~五件的中國風禮物送給外國教授及辦公室小姐, 以及國小老師及校長!!!!

2009年7月25日 星期六


幾經考慮還是辦理了全家的加拿大簽證, 採用家庭費率多次入境申請, 全家花費11200+400(代辦手續費)+1000(附加人數費率每人200元), 共12600元, 核准下來大都將近5年的效期!

從租屋到國小的路程 5.2km

從Cottage Grove (1806 S Cottage Grove Ave) 到 ML King Jr Elementary School約3.1英哩, 合約5.2公里, 開車約需8分鐘, 真的有點遠, 不過還好有校車可搭, 只是需要早點出門, 等校車!!!


租屋 1806 S Cottage Grove $800 for 3 bedrooms with 2 baths

每月$800 含網路及停車, 旁邊有mall和grocery store!

The apartment is located on the 4th floor. The apartment has 2 bedrooms down stairs - and 1 bedroom and bath upstairs. The kitchen and living room have a dining table and chairs, a sofa, 2 arm chairs, 2 end tables with lamps and 1 coffee table. So, you will have to provide your own television - and cable and stuff. You will also have to provide your own dishes, and silverware, pots and pans etc. for the kitchen. We do not have a gym or swimming pool at Cottage Grove. There is a gym down the road which is not affiliated with CPM - and we own the Refinery which is a wonderful state of the art gym in Champaign. You can also use the Pool and Gym on the Uof I campus because you will be employed there as well.

Great location with parking, shopping, and restaurants within walking distance! Most units have jacuzzi tubs and all have Washer/Dryers with newer appliances. Spacious living rooms and inexpensive parking make these 3 buildings very desirable. Internet provided at 1806 S Cottage Grove building!
